
About Us

Choose to do more than just exist; choose to live

- Steve Maraboli

TriceNARI is a friend that every woman deserves, the one that helps her in need, listens to her with patience, encourages her in tough times, motivates her to achieve and claps when she succeeds.

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Let Your Hair Down

Discover new friends who understand you effortlessly, without judgment or the need for explanations. They resonate with you because they are just like you :)

Whoop It Up

Join local events to bring a refreshing change into your life. Everyone deserves a break, so let's celebrate and enjoy ourselves in our own unique way!

Flaunt Your Skills

Got a talent that shines? Share it proudly with the world and let others be inspired by your excellence. Cherish your abilities and show everyone what you've got!

Discover Your Passion

Feeling unsure or aimless? Uncertain about how to spend your time? Worry no more! Explore these ideas and find what sparks your interest the most!

A woman should be two things:
Who and What she wants !

As they say

Turning 30 is a significant milestone in life. For some, it's filled with excitement, while for others, it can be overwhelming. Either way, it brings life-changing experiences that shapes our life journey. Let's explore the perspectives of famous personalities on turning 30, 40, and beyond.

Bonidette Lanz

At 30, you finally start to catch up to those dreams you've been chasing for the last 10 plus years.

Tom Butler Bowden

Turning 40 is often a big symbolic point in one's life. In the 20s we feel we can do anything, but as the 30s progress we become more mature emotionally, and in terms of work tend to focus. These two things combined: emotional maturity and career focus often produces an explosion of self-purpose in our 40s.

Kalki Koechlin

In your 20s, you are worried about body issues, your weight, how you are dressed. In your 30s, you're like, 'Oh my God, I am getting old. I am going to enjoy everything.'


I am not really angry at the world. I have let a lot more love in. I feel once you are 30, once your Saturn returns, the world puts you right side up again and gives you a pair of glasses so you can see everything clearer.

Abraham Lincoln

And in the end, it’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years.

Join the Gang

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Either way, you'll feel great and bring positivity into your life and the lives of others.
Better yet, join our regular meet-ups and events to tap into the energy you need :)

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